emoji in terminal

Printing emoji can be tricky because C++ running in Windows doesn’t always support UTF-8. Emoji and other Unicode symbols can be printed with C++ by copying the symbol itself into your code or by using a Unicode code point. You can find emoji and other symbols at sites like unicode-table.com or with a keyboard shortcut (Windows+. on Windows, ctrl+cmd+space on Mac, and ctrl+. on some Linux distros). On Mac and Linux, working with emoji in C++ is straightforward and doesn’t require any tricks. With Windows you will need to use a modern terminal like Windows Terminal and the code below.

#include <iostream>  // wcout
#include <string>  // wstring
#ifdef _WIN32  // if the current operating system is Windows
#include <windows.h>  // WriteConsoleW

void wprint(std::wstring message)
    /*  wprint prints a string that can have any emoji or Unicode characters.
        When creating a wstring, put an L in front of it.
        For example, `wprint(L"Hi! 🔥");` prints `Hi! 🔥`.
        Your file must be saved in the UTF-8 (_with_ BOM/signature) encoding.
#ifdef _WIN32
    HANDLE handle = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
    DWORD n_written;
    WriteConsoleW(handle, message.c_str(), (DWORD)message.size(), &n_written, NULL);
    std::wcout << message;

One downside of the code above is that std::wstrings are not truly cross-platform. Here is a library I made that has a similar print function (it can print any Unicode characters) that takes a std::string as an argument instead.

further reading

If you want to see all Unicode symbols in your terminal, you can do so easily with Python:

import unicodedata
print("\x1b[32m Hold enter. \x1b[39m")
for i in range(0, int("FFFFFFFF", base=16)):
        code_point = f"\\U{hex(i)[2:].zfill(8)}"
        symbol = eval(f"'{code_point}'")
        name = unicodedata.name(symbol)
        print(end=f"{symbol}  {code_point}  {name}")
        _ = input()  # pause output
    except (ValueError, SyntaxError):
        pass  # skip invalid unicode symbols & control characters
    except Exception as e: